1st Lady

1st Lady Bernice “Cookie” Ezell is a native of Barnwell, SC.  She is the daughter of the late Rev. James A. and Willie Mae Gadson.  She is married to Rev. Dr. Ricky Ray Ezell, Sr.  They are the proud parents of three sons: Ricky, Jr., Christopher Brandon and Dorian James and the grandparents to one adorable granddaughter, NeVaeh Ka’Ren Ezell.

Mrs. Ezell graduated from Barnwell High School in Barnwell, SC.  She graduated from Benedict College with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Education.

Mrs. Ezell is a dedicated wife, mother, nana and 1st Lady.  Upon graduation, Mrs. Ezell worked for SCDC in personnel and Richland School District One at W.J. Keenan High School before managing the family business (Primerica Financial Services).  In addition to managing the family business, she serves as administrative assistant at the Central Baptist church and also serves as director of The Central Baptist Church Summer Enrichment Program.

Mrs. Ezell has a special love for the Central Baptist Church where she serves respectfully as 1st Lady.  She is also a member of our Public Relations Ministry,  Deliverance of Praise Choraliers, The Praise Team, Senior Citizens Ministry, Christmas at Central Committee, United Voices and also serves as web-master for Central Baptist Church.

            Mrs. Ezell’s favorite scripture is:  Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version (KJV)

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Mrs. Ezell’s motto is:  Why worry when you can pray?

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  • Bible verse of the day

    Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.