Purpose is service. Armorbearers for the Pastor. To minister along with the Pastor to the sick and shut in. Deacons are to provide care to the members of the entire church family.
Contact Person: Deacon George Richardson, Chairman
Purpose is to actively support our spouses, the ministry and members of the church and community. Deaconesses are to carry out duties as directed by the Pastor and to let our “Light Shine Daily” as we grow spiritually in the Lord.
Contact Person: Deaconess Ida Bonaparte, President
Spiritually maintain all church properties and oversee all financial transactions of the church.
Contact Person:
Senior Ushers:
Provide spiritual service to the Pastor and congregation as gate keepers of the church. Ushers greet member and visitors and maintain perfect order during worship services.
Contact Person: Deacon Evans Knightner, Jr.
Senior Citizen:
An organization for individuals age 65 and over. We sponsor a quarterly fellowship for Seniors in our church. Speakers are provided on various topics, art and crafts, field trips, and a special meal is prepared. This is often a time to fellowship with the pastor. Contact Person: Rev. Kenneth Wilson, President
Church Aid:
Purpose is to promote an inviting and comfortable environment in which we come together to give God praise. We coordinate the church anniversary and provide for our church decorum.
Contact Person: Sister Rosa Wiley, President
Public Relations:
Publicize through the media (newspaper, TV, radio) notices of church activities to keep the community abreast.
Contact Person: 1st Lady Bernice Ezell
To enlighten, experience, inform and strengthen our faith.
Contact Person: 1st Lady Bernice Ezell
Bible Study:
Weekly classes designed to enhance members knowledge and understanding of God’s word. Contact Person: Adults Rev. Ricky Ray Ezell, Sr., Pastor; Youth –
Sunday School:
To provide meaningful Bible study that results in winning souls to Christ. Reaching out to others to nurture and grow Christian faith. Youth, young adult and adult classes. Contact Person: Deacon Cecil Thomas, Superintendent
Behavioral Health & Wellness:
To provide educational seminars and function as a referral service for individuals needing information, counseling as it relates to addiction. (Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.) Contact Person: Sister Cheri Rakes, President
New Members Orientation:
To teach new members the doctrines and belief of the Baptist Church. To teach the principles and autonomy of Central Baptist Church. Contact Person: Deaconess Gail Montgomery
To assist students in the academic areas, in preparation for standardized test. All students needing remediation or enrichment in math, reading and languages are encouraged to attend. Classes begin in September and end in May. Contact Person: Deaconess Ernestine O’Berry
Education Ministry:
Recognition of academic achievement during school year for elementary and high school students. To overseer of educational ministry. Administer scholarships to qualifying graduating students and sponsor the scholarship banquet. Contact Person: Deaconess Ernestine O’Berry
Biblical study of finances in which the main focus is to teach people God’s people financial principles in order to know Christ more intimately and to free to serve Him. Contact Person: Deaconess Gail Montgomery
Evangelism: To go out into the world to win souls and initiate people into the family of God and to transform them into vessels through whom Christ expresses Himself on the earth. Contact Person:
Prison Ministry:
To minister to inmates incarcerated behind prison walls, preaching and teaching the Gospel, winning souls to Christ. Contact Person:
Special Need:
To inform, educate, and establish a sensitivity to the individuals with developmental disabilities, chronic illnesses and long term health needs. Contact Person:
Health and Wellness Ministry:
To serve members of the church during regular services or special programs when medical emergencies arise. Teaching how to care for the body both physically and spiritually. Contact Person: Deaconess Janice Clark
Compassion and Grief:
Dedicated to compassionate care of families in times of crisis and to minister to families in time of loss. Contact Person: Deaconess Lou Ella Williams.
Senior Missionary:
To carry on the work of God by praying, reading scriptures, and helping the sick and anyone unable to do for themselves. Contact Person:Deaconess Margaret Flores, President
Eloise Boles Circle:
To aid the Senior Missionary in meeting their goals. Outreach through Thanksgiving Baskets, Habitat for Humanity, Epilepsy Foundation, and Bryan Center. Assisting where needed in the community and church. Contact Person: Sister Easter Dickerson, President
Women Builders of Faith:
Prepare women of all ages to lead spirit filled lives and also prepared them to serve as missionaries for the Lord through prayer breakfast, retreats, overnight prayer service and other outreach ministries. Contact Person: Rev. Flossie Montgomery
Young Women’s Auxiliary of the Gethsemane:
Dedicated to serving God and the community through outreach programs such as; monthly homeless feedings, providing devotions and feeding at Walter’s Retirement Home and Alston Wilkes Boys Home. Contact Person: Sister Stephanie Jones
Men dedicated to the vision of the Pastor and the ministries of the church. Focus is outreach to the surrounding community and the young men in our church. Contact Person: Bro. Jessie Taylor, President
Couples Ministry:
Spiritual gathering of couples for fellowship and strenghing of marriage. Contact Person: Deacon Harold & Deaconess Julia Livingston
Willing Workers:
The Willing Workers purpose is to do God’s will by helping others that are less fortunate than we are. Contact Person: Sister Emma Carter, President
To provide tasty, nutritious and healthy meals to our church family and community. Contact Person: Sister Arneita Phelps
To provide transportation to and from church services, Bible Study, Senior Citizen Fellowship and other scheduled events. Contact Person: Dea. John Edwards
Media Ministry:
To record and provide audio/video of church services, programs, special events to our congregation, to sick and shut-ins or members out of town. Contact Person: Cotterll Wells
Technology Ministry:
Manages all computer and computer-related technology as relates to the up-date of our web-site. Contact Person: 1st Lady Ezell
Veterans’ Ministry:
The purpose is to provide support and information to military personnel. Contact Person: Thomas Rakes
Children’s Church:
Bible teaching and training for ages 3-10 years. Contact Person: Deacon Cecil Thomas
Junior Ushers:
Greet members and visitors on arrival at the church and make them comfortable during church service. Contact Person: Sister Cathy Knightner
Girl Scouts:
Provide activities designed to build self esteem and develop leadership potential and promote opportunity for community service. Contact Person: Sister Andrena Scott
Vessels of Inspirational Praise Dancers:
Creative dance that glorifies our Lord and Savior through music for young people. Contact Person: Sister Patricia Wilson
To provide wholesome fun and activities for the youth in our church, teaching team spirit and leadership in work and play. Contact Person:
Voices of Praise Choir:
To minister God’s word through music and songs, and render music during 11:00 a.m. worship services and special programs.
Contact Person: Minister Anthony Outen
Deliverance Of Praise Choraliers:
Render music at each 8 a.m. worship service, which will glorify God and create a worshiped experience for the entire congregation.
Contact Person: Sister Cynthia Brown, President
Youth Ministry Choir:
Provide music each fourth Sunday at the 11:00 a.m. worship service for the glorification and edification of His people.
Contact Person: Deaconess Yvette Taylor, Youth Director
Young Adult Choir:
Young Adult choir that provides songs of praise on the fourth Sunday of each month at the 11:00 a.m. worship service or whenever designated by the Pastor. Ages 18 and above.
Contact Person: Deaconess Yvette Taylor, Youth Director
Male Chorus:
Provide songs of praise every fourth Sunday at the 8:00 a.m. worship service.
Contact Person: Deacon Willie Bryant, President
Jubilee Choir:
To sing songs of Zion that will bring spiritual uplifting to those who hear them and to provide spiritual hymns which serve as the part of our historical musical foundation.
Contact Person: Deacon Joe Clark, President
The Golden Voices:
To minister through music and song each fifth Sunday for the 11:00 a.m. worship service. You must be age 65 or older.
Contact Person: Minister Anthony Outen
United Voices of Central:
To minister through music and song for special programs and each fifth Sunday at the 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services. Contact Person: Minister Anthony Outen