Bible Study: Weekly classes designed to enhance members knowledge and understanding of God’s word. Contact Person: Adults Rev. Ricky Ray Ezell, Sr., Pastor; Youth – Deaconess Karen Phillips.
Sunday School: To provide meaningful Bible study that results in winning souls to Christ. Reaching out to others to nurture and grow Christian faith. Youth, young adult and adult classes. Contact Person: Deacon Cecil Thomas, Superintendent
Addiction Education: To provide educational seminars and function as a referral service for individuals needing information, counseling as it relates to addiction. (Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.) Contact Person: Sister Cheri Rakes, President
New Members Orientation: To teach new members the doctrines and belief of the Baptist Church. To teach the principles and autonomy of Central Baptist Church. Contact Person: Deaconess Gail Montgomery
Tutoring: To assist students in the academic areas, in preparation for standardized test. All students needing remediation or enrichment in math, reading and languages are encouraged to attend. Classes begin in September and end in May. Contact Person: Deaconess Ernestine O’Berry
Education Ministry: Recognition of academic achievement during school year for elementary and high school students. To oversee educational ministry. Administer scholarships to qualifying graduating students and sponsor the scholarship banquet. Contact Person: Sister Deaconess Ernestine O’Berry
Crown: Biblical study of finances in which the main focus is to teach people God’s people financial principles in order to know Christ more intimately and to free to serve Him. Contact Person: Sister Gail Montgomery